Fundamentals – Salesforce interview questions

Prepare yourself with the basic, fundamental interview questions related to Salesforce technology.

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a concept where the applications are hosted on a server which can be accessible from anywhere without installing them on devices.

What are the known types of cloud computing?

  • Paas – Platform as a service
  • Saas – Software as a service
  • Iaas – infrastructure as a service
  • DaaS – Data as a service

What is CRM?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a strategy which includes finding potential customers, managing interaction with existing customers, maintaining their relationship for long time. Each business should implement CRM to expand the growth and maintain the good relations with customers.

What all CRM providers you know?

  • Salesforce
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • Zoho
  • Hubspot
  • SAP
  • Sugar CRM
  • Oracle CRM

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a powerful Cloud based CRM platform that allows businesses to manage business relationship & the data with information associated with them.

What is the difference between and is based on SaaS, which provides software which does not requires any installation and can independently run on any machine, whereas is based on PaaS, which provides a platform to build a functionality

Which architecture is used in Salesforce? Explain in detail uses MVC architecture.

  • M (Model) – Includes database designing like table, fields
  • V (View) – Deals with user interface
  • C (Controller) – It adds custom logic to application

List down Salesforce Editions

Based upon the price and capabilities, following are the types of editions Salesforce offers:

  • Group
  • Professional
  • Enterprise
  • Unlimited

What are recent acquisitions in Salesforce?

Salesforce has acquired 61 organisations. Most well known acquisitions are Pardot, Tableau, MapAnything and MuleSoft. You can check updated list here.

How many times Salesforce releases new functionalities?

3 times a year, Spring, Winter and Summer